Monday, August 07, 2006

Zion National Park, Kubrick's The Shining and Speilberg's War of the Worlds

OK, this is the last post that will include a reference to my fantastic national Parks focused vacation. Here is a picture I took (through the shuttle bus roof) while at the absolutely breath-taking Zion National Park.
This week I saw Kubrick's The Shining (for the fifth or sixth time, it never disappoints) and finally Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds, in fact I saw WOW twice, first alone and a second time with my wife. Absolutely brilliant.
Paul Parducci

PS: Today is my fathers Birthday, Happy Birthday Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Parducci, I liked--but did not love--War of the Worlds. I wish that Spielberg had stuck a little bit more to the "script" and made the invaders from Mars, as HG Wells did in his book. Still, you are an insider, and I am fascinated by the viewpoint you have.

P.S. I am glad that you enjoyed your vacation! I have a photo from a nearly identical location on Lake Powell!