Saturday, March 08, 2008

A Little Bit About Current Projects

I realized I hadn't mentioned much about my creative work lately, So for those interested; as of this moment I am in pre-production on a comedy project that I am directing that shoots at the end of this month. The scripts are strong and I am very pleased with the casting so it should be a lot of fun.

I have also been working on a darker feature project that I anticipate completing sometime in the Fall. (On this one I am wearing three hats: Writer/Director/Producer.)

Nightmare Boss continues to be very popular world-wide in fact it is now running on Vodaphone in the UK so I recently directed a few Promos for that series as well.

Add to this various meetings,pitches and scribbling and a nice formula for staying out of trouble emerges.


Paul Parducci

Photo by Cmiper

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