Thursday, October 20, 2016

Eat Fat to get Skinny? All About The Ketogenic Diet.

For decades it's been taken as gospel that  Dietary Fat is the enemy. What if it's all wrong?
The Ketogenic Diet is a way of eating that promotes High Fat. Moderate Protein and Low Carbohydrate eating as the Gold Standard for maintaining both a healthy weight and a Healthy life.

Let's get an intro with this article from Men's Health.

An overview from The Diet Doctor. 

The Keto Diet Explained:

And from Eric Berg:

Personally I have been following an eating plan of Low Carbohydrate/High Protein for years and have recently upped my dietary fat intake. I have found this to be very beneficial for my energy levels and plan to continue. (As I'm writing this I am drinking  coffee with added Coconut Oil.)
Paul Parducci

All About "The Mothman"

The Mothman Statue-Point Pleasant, West Virginia USA

 The Mothman both the creepy entity and the strange encounters and experiences that surrounded it have drizzled into the American subconscious.
If so grab some popcorn and maybe a piece of wool (if you are watching with a buddy from order Lepidoptera)

Number one: John A. Keel (I had the distinct pleasure of meeting this fascinating man at a Fortean Society Meeting in the 90's)
This is a comprehensive interview from Art Bell:

From Real Unexplained Mysteries: Indrid Cold

The Full local interview with Eye Witness Woodrow Derenberger:

My buddy Doug Skinner on John Keel and The Mothman:

John Keel Himself:

The Documentary: Search For The Mothman
Want more? Of course you do!
Then check out one of my all time favorite Podcasts (These guys are terrific) Astonishing Legends.

Paul Parducci