Friday, September 29, 2006

Paul Parducci's Next Movie Project

Sorry for the grandiose Title but it helps with the search.

Since House Jesus in 2004 I've written three screenplays, Wrote and Directed as well as produced and acted in the Nightmare Boss Mobi/webisode series and worked various and sundry Acting jobs.
But through it all I have been artistically restless.
"House Jesus" which is available online as well as linked to this site, was in many ways a personal breakthrough for me as a filmmaker. Although I had been moving in this direction since EVP-by the way I want to thank everyone out there who continue to support this film)Because of it, I couldn't go back to doing things the way I did them before.

With the success of "Nightmare Boss," the next logical step for me should be a comedy feature, but it's not there.

So for months now I've been outlining and chasing various ideas that have all ended in dead-ends... Until now.

I am 22 pages into the script for the next feature length project that I will be making. It is a Dark contemporary piece.

I've decided to periodically Blog about the entire process from Script to Screen.

Stay tuned.
Paul Parducci

PS: I'll be traveling for the next week so as is usually the case when I'm with suitcase, I will not be posting-but I'll catch you all up when I get back.

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